Web Remote log files

The Datto RMM Web Remote log files are text files created by Datto RMM that contain a record of events for Web Remote sessions. These log files are used for Web Remote troubleshooting and diagnosis.

Location of the log files

Operating System Datto RMM Web Remote Process
Windows Log location

• Daily at midnight or, if it grows larger than 10 MB, the current webremote.log file is moved to a directory named Archives in the log location and logging begins a new file.
• The archive log files have the naming convention [date].[number].webremote.log (for example, 20170704.0.webremote.log) with a date stamp in the format yyyyMMdd and a number indicating the correct order.
• The most recent archive log file will have the highest number, while the oldest archive log file will have the smallest number (starting from 0).
• A maximum of 30 days' log files or a total of 30 log files, if they are large in size, are archived.
macOS Log location

• Daily at midnight or, if it grows larger than 10 MB, the current webremote.log file is moved to a directory named Archives in the log location and logging begins a new file.
• The archive log files have the naming convention [date].[number].webremote.log (for example, 20170704.0.webremote.log) with a date stamp in the format yyyyMMdd and a number indicating the correct order.
• The most recent archive log file will have the highest number, while the oldest archive log file will have the smallest number (starting from 0).
• A maximum of 30 days' logs are archived.