Proxy settings in Datto RMM

SECURITY Refer to Sites > Sites in Permissions.
NAVIGATION Sites > All Sites > Create Site > Proxy type section
NAVIGATION Sites > All Sites > click the name of a site > Settings (left navigation menu) > Proxy type section
NAVIGATION Agent Browser
A proxy or proxy server is a connection (a program or a computer) between your device and the internet. It serves as an intermediary as it processes the requests your device sends out, and returns the information you need from the internet. Proxies are often used to hide your location or IP address, to control internet usage (by blocking or bypassing certain websites), or to improve security. In order for your device to access the proxy server, it needs to have the correct proxy settings.
Datto RMM can be configured with proxy settings so that it can be used in environments that use proxy servers. Proxy settings can be managed in the web interface within a site. Once configured, the settings will apply to any new device added to the site. Individual proxy settings can be applied locally within the Agent settings as well.
How to...

- Navigate to the site settings by following either of the first two navigation paths described in Security and navigation.
Select None if you do not wish to use a proxy for this site. Select HTTP, Socks4, or Socks5 if the devices you're going to install an Agent on within this site will use a proxy server to connect to the internet.
For Proxy Types other than None, complete the following fields as required by your proxy server to ensure the devices are already configured when you install the Agent: Proxy Host, Proxy Port, Proxy Username, and Proxy Password.
NOTE Site proxy settings will not apply to devices that had already been in the site before the proxy settings were configured. Existing devices with an Agent installed will need to be manually configured for the proxy.
- When finished editing this setting and any others on the page, click Create Site or Save Site, depending on whether you are creating a site or editing a site.
Once saved, the proxy settings will apply to any new Agent added to the site. Existing devices with an Agent installed will need to be manually configured. Refer to Configure proxy settings in the Datto RMM Agent.

Site proxy settings will not apply to devices that had already been in the site before the proxy settings were configured. Therefore, existing devices with an Agent installed will need to be manually configured. Complete the following steps on the device you would like to configure proxy settings for:

IMPORTANT The following steps must be performed as root or via sudo.
- On a macOS device, navigate to /Applications/AEM
On a Linux device, navigate to /opt/CentraStage/UnixService.exe.config. - Locate the following section and edit the proxy details as required:
<!--0 = None--> <!--1 = Socks4--> <!--2 = Socks5--> <!--3 = Http--> <setting name=“ProxyType” serializeAs=“String”> <value> </value> </setting> <setting name=“ProxyIp” serializeAs=“String”> <value> </value> </setting> <setting name=“ProxyPort” serializeAs=“String”> <value> </value> </setting> <setting name=“ProxyUsername” serializeAs=“String”> <value> </value> </setting> <setting name=“ProxyPassword” serializeAs=“String”> <value> </value> </setting>
EXAMPLE For example, an edited file (where proxy type = HTTP, proxy IP =, proxy port = 8888, username = ExampleUsername, password = ExamplePassword) would look like this:
- Restart the Agent for the changes to be applied.