

Click the Helpdesk button to access Kaseya Helpdesk. Refer to Kaseya Helpdesk.


The Diagnostics section displays the following Agent- and platform-related information:

  • Platform name
  • CAG Version
  • CS Version
  • Frontend version
  • Frontend API version
  • Feature flags

You can click Copy Diagnostic Details to copy the information to your clipboard.

Support Access

IMPORTANT  You should only enable Support Access when requested to do so by a Datto RMM Support representative.

Enabling support access

When requested by a Datto RMM Support representative, toggle the Enable support access button to allow them to log in to your Datto RMM user account.

NOTE  It is recommended that you have the administrator security level in the list of your available security levels. Otherwise, the Datto RMM Support representative will be limited to the security levels available to you and may not be able to access all required features.

Deactivating or disabling support access

Once support access is enabled, you can set a deactivation date. Choose a date and time from the calendar, or select one of the following predefined date ranges: 7 days, 14 days, or 28 days. The default period is 14 days from the current date.

You can also disable support access any time by toggling the Enable support access button.

Providing information to Datto RMM Support

Click Copy Support Access Details to copy the following information to your clipboard:

  • Support access expires
  • Platform name
  • Account ID
  • Username
  • Security levels

When requested, provide the information to a Datto RMM Support representative.

Activity logging

When a Datto RMM Support representative logs in to work on your account, entries detailing their work will be recorded in the Activity Log. The actions will be listed under your username but the Details column will display the Datto RMM Support representative's email address. Refer to Activity Log.