Installing or uninstalling the Linux Agent - Legacy UI

SECURITY Administrator permissions on the device
NAVIGATION Legacy UI > Sites > open a Managed site > New Device > Linux
Linux Agents run on the Mono framework, the open source version of .NET for UNIX O/S.
How to...

IMPORTANT For information about supported Linux versions, refer to Supported operating systems and Agent requirements. For information about which services get installed, refer to Services, dependencies, and folders (Windows, macOS, Linux).
NOTE If a previous version of MONO is already installed on the device, it may have to be removed prior to re-installation by the Agent.
- Refer to the steps outlined in Downloading or emailing the Agent installer.
NOTE Linux devices can only be added to Managed sites.
NOTE The Linux Agent setup file will have a .sh extension (for example,
NOTE For information about manually enrolling other types of devices, refer to Adding a device manually - Legacy UI.
- Open your Terminal app.
- Change the directory to the folder that contains the .sh file:
- To make the file executable, type the following:
- Enter your password when prompted.
- Type the following:
- The Agent will be installed.
- Close the terminal window when you are able to type text into the window again.
cd[folder containing the Datto RMM .sh file]
sudo chmod +x [file name].sh
sudo sh [file name].sh
The device should now appear in Datto RMM.

Complete the following steps to install the Agent on a Linux device via the Terminal:
- Choose the type of Mono that should be installed on the device.
- Open your Terminal app and type the following to download the Agent:
sudo wget [the web address of the Linux Agent from your site] -O
NOTE In order to retrieve the web address of the Agent, complete the first step in the preceding section and choose to copy the Agent link.
- Once the Agent has been downloaded, type the following:
sudo sh [the path and file name of the Agent]
- Alternatively, to both download and install the Agent, type the following:
sudo wget -O [the web address of the Linux Agent from your site] && sudo sh
- The Datto RMM Agent will now be installed.

IMPORTANT If you are uninstalling the Linux Agent from Red Hat, ensure that your username is included on the sudoers list. If it is not, please see this guide.
IMPORTANT If you are running other tools or applications that use Mono, note that Mono is removed during this uninstallation process.
To uninstall the Agent on a Linux device, complete the following steps according to which operating system you are using:

To uninstall the Agent on a Red Hat-based operating system, open your Terminal app and type the following:
sudo chmod +x /opt/CentraStage/
sudo /opt/CentraStage/
sudo rm -fr /opt/CentraStage
sudo rm -fr /usr/local/share/CentraStage
sudo rm -fr /root/.local/share/CentraStage
sudo yum remove mono-runtime
To ensure the system is up to date, type the following:
sudo yum -y update && sudo yum -y upgrade
To download and install a fresh copy of the Datto RMM Agent, type the following:
wget -O "URL"
chmod +x
sudo ./

To uninstall the Agent on a Debian-based operating system, open your Terminal app and type the following:
sudo chmod +x /opt/CentraStage/
sudo /opt/CentraStage/
sudo rm -fr /opt/CentraStage
sudo rm -fr /usr/local/share/CentraStage
sudo rm -fr /root/.local/share/CentraStage
sudo apt-get purge mono-runtime
To ensure the system is up to date, type the following:
sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
To download and install a fresh copy of the Datto RMM Agent, type the following:
wget -O "URL"
chmod +x
sudo ./