Infrastructure and security

Datto RMM enables IT support organizations to monitor and manage multiple remote computers over any network, bringing visibility and control to the service provider. The solution has been built for organizations supporting IT over public networks, so careful consideration has been given to the infrastructure and security of the product.

IMPORTANT  Several elements of Datto RMM will be flagged as malicious based off of behavioral analysis by Next-Generation Antivirus (NGAV), such as SentinelOne, CrowdStrike, and so forth. This flagging is the result of Datto RMM's deep integration within managed devices and ability to control most or all aspects of systems, which is expected functionality of Datto RMM. You may want to explore allowlisting the agent's executables (that is, AV exceptions) if notifications of this behavior become an issue. Some files typically impacted include CagService.exe, AEMAgent.exe, RMM.WebRemote.exe, and update files.