IT Glue passwords in Web Remote

SECURITY Refer to Requirements and restrictions.
NAVIGATION Agent Browser > connect to a device > Web Remote > Control Screen > IT Glue Passwords. For more information, refer to Remote takeover tools.
NAVIGATION Sites > All Sites > click the name of a site > Web Remote (last column in table) > Control Screen > IT Glue Passwords
NAVIGATION Devices > All > Web Remote (last column in table) > Control Screen > IT Glue Passwords
NAVIGATION Device summary page > Web Remote > Control Screen > IT Glue Passwords. To view the various navigation paths you can use to access the device summary page, refer to Device summary.
NAVIGATION A targeted list of devices > Web Remote (last column in table) > Control Screen > IT Glue Passwords. To view the navigation paths for the various targeted lists of devices, refer to Targeted lists of devices in Devices.
Web Remote toolbar overview
Once you are connected to a device via Web Remote, you can view information about and perform a variety of actions on it using the toolbar. Refer to View information about and perform actions on the connected device in Web Remote.
The Display section is initially open by default, but your preferences for which sections are open or closed will be saved for future sessions.
IT Glue Passwords
The IT Glue Passwords feature in the Web Remote toolbar menu allows you to insert usernames and passwords from IT Glue into a Web Remote session.
Requirements and restrictions
- This section is available only if the IT Glue Integration is turned on for the account. Refer to IT Glue Integration.
- If the integration is turned on but you have not yet authenticated the integration as a user, click Device Page to open the device's device summary page in a new tab. In the upper-right corner of the device summary page, click IT Glue to open the IT Glue pane. Click Authenticate to log in to IT Glue and complete the user authentication. Refer to IT Glue in Device summary.
Once authenticated, return to the Web Remote tab and click Refresh. - If IP Access Control in your instance of IT Glue is restricted to certain IP addresses, be sure to add the IP addresses of technicians using this feature, as it will not work if accessed from an IP address not included in the allowlist. For details about how to configure IP access control in IT Glue, refer to Allow the IP address of your Datto RMM platform access to IT Glue.
Searching for IT Glue passwords
The drop-down menu allows you to search for passwords from the following three levels:
- Search global: Select this option to populate all organizations that exist in the IT Glue account. Either scroll through the list or use the Organization or Password bar to enter and search for a specific organization or for any password from any organization. The results are narrowed as you type. Click an organization name to switch to the Search organization view and access all available usernames and passwords from that organization.
- Search organization: If you select this option at the start of the session or after refreshing the page, all available usernames and passwords from the organization/site the current remote configuration/device belongs to will show. If you use the Search global view described above to select a different organization, this view will show usernames and passwords from that organization. You can use the Search for Password bar to enter and search for the name of a specific password or set of passwords from the selected organization.
- Search configuration: Select this option to populate all available usernames and passwords for the current remote device. You can use the Search for Password bar to enter and search for the name of a specific device password or set of passwords.
NOTE The Search organization and Search configuration options are not available if the data has not been matched to IT Glue. Refer to Match IT Glue organizations and configurations.
Inserting IT Glue passwords
Click Send CTRL+ALT+DEL to access the login screen of the remote device. This option is only available for remote Windows devices with no user logged in. This option is also available in the Keyboard section. Refer to Keyboard in Web Remote.
In the IT Glue section, click the Insert username icon or Insert password icon to insert that username or password into the session, respectively.
NOTE Insertion of the following types of passwords is not supported:
• Vaulted passwords
• Passwords that contain non-ASCII characters
NOTE The insertion is performed by emulating keystrokes directly from the IT Glue API to ensure that passwords are not copied to the technician or user clipboards. Take care not to insert a password into a non-hidden field on a user’s computer. If copying passwords to your clipboard, we recommend selecting the Clear Clipboard On Close toggle in the Preferences section. Refer to Preferences.