Quick reports

About quick reports

A quick report allows you to quickly configure a report and run it immediately from the Device Summary page or a list of devices without having to schedule it. Once a quick report has run, you can download it from the web interface, and it is also emailed to you.

To configure further report options, such as language or target selection, or email options, we recommend that you schedule a report. Refer to Reports.

Quick reports follow the same design guidelines and time zone settings as scheduled reports. Refer to Design, format, and time zone.

Creating a quick report

  1. Follow any of the navigation paths described in Security and navigation.
  2. From the pane that opens on the right, search for a report or export by scrolling in the Reports or Exports tabs or by using the Search bar. The search results are narrowed as you type. Click Select to select a report or export.

  3. The confirmation dialog box that appears will indicate if you are running a report on more than one device. Hover over the link showing the number of devices to see a list of hostnames.
  4. From the User-defined fields drop-down menu, select any number of fields to include in the report or choose Select all to add all fields at once. For detailed information on each report and export, refer to Reports and Exports.
  5. Click Run to execute the action or Cancel to close out of the dialog box.

A pop-up notification will indicate if the report has been created successfully.

Quick report completion and delivery

Viewing and managing reports

Quick reports that are currently running are listed as Active Reports on the Reports page, while quick reports that have already run are listed as Completed Reports. For information about how to view and manage reports, refer to Active and completed reports and Editing a report.