Device filters

About filters

A filter in Datto RMM is a tool that is used to sort through a large number of devices. Filters rely on device audit data and can be configured with certain criteria to target specific attributes of a device.

Filters are dynamic and work independently of sites, so you can have a filter that looks for devices with specific criteria across all sites. As device attributes change, filters are automatically updated and all devices that match the filter criteria will be displayed in the filter results. Filters are a critical part of Datto RMM, as they can effectively target the right devices with reports, monitors, jobs, patch management, etc. If your servers go offline, for example, you can target an online status monitor at your servers with the help of a filter.

Creating a filter

To create a filter, follow any of the first three navigation paths described in Security and navigation and click Create Filter.

Viewing and managing filters

Using Default Device Filters