Audits - Legacy UI

About audits

An audit is an inventory of the hardware and software installed on a device as logged by the Datto RMM Agent. As consecutive audits are performed, changes to the hardware and software are tracked in a change log. The data is stored on the device and added to the device record in the Web Portal. Network discovery information is also displayed on the Audit tab. The following audit levels are available:

Audit Level Description
Account View all sites' discovered devices in a table form. You can also see all hardware and software installed on the devices associated with all sites in the account, including quantity and version information.
Site View the discovered devices in the site. You can also see all hardware and software installed on the devices associated with that particular site, including quantity and version information.
Device View all hardware and software currently installed on that particular device. You can also see the status of the installed Windows services and the changes that have been made to the device over time.
Account and site Monitor the number of devices a software package is installed on. This allows you to manage site or team licenses. You will receive an alert when you exceed the maximum number of devices.

NOTE  The Audit tab also includes an Activity Log section at the account and device levels. All activity logging is now available exclusively in the New UI. Refer to Activity Log and Device summary.

NOTE  Global and site-level hardware and software lists are also available in the New UI. Refer to Software and Hardware.

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