Scheduled jobs


A job is an automated process for deploying one or more components to a number of devices, either immediately or at a scheduled time. When a job runs, the Agent downloads the job to the local hard drive of the device or devices, unpacks the package into its component parts, and runs the script. Jobs can be scheduled for individual devices, sites, filters, or groups. The following device types support running jobs:

  • Servers
  • Laptops
  • Desktops

Components must first be downloaded from the ComStore into your Component Library. Refer to ComStore. Components can only be added from the ComStore if you have Manage access to ComStore. Refer to ComStore in Security levels.

NOTE  A quick job allows you to immediately deploy one component without having to schedule the job. Refer to Quick jobs.

Creating a job

To create a job, follow any of the navigation paths described in Creating a job in Security and navigation.

Editing a job

NOTE  Only jobs with the Active status can be edited.

Viewing job details