Datto RMM 10.3.0 release notes


Platform Date From (UTC) To (UTC) Duration
Syrah (APAC) Monday, January 31, 2022 10:00 13:00 3 hrs
Zinfandel (US West) Wednesday, February 2, 2022 09:00 12:00 3 hrs
Concord (US East) Thursday, February 3, 2022 09:00 12:00 3 hrs
Merlot (EU2) Thursday, February 3, 2022 18:00 21:00 3 hrs
Pinotage (EU1) Monday, February 7, 2022 18:00 21:00 3 hrs

NOTE  *The schedule is subject to change. Please check the Status page for regular updates. When changes are made to the original schedule, those changes are denoted in red.

IMPORTANT  This is a full platform and Agent release; therefore, partners should expect disconnection of the Agent during the update window.

About the release

The 10.3.0 release is the first of our twelve monthly releases planned for 2022. Please see below for the highlights, along with the full list of fixes and improvements.

Downtime device metrics

We have added Downtime to the Metrics card for supported device types. This metric is displayed by default and shows when and for how long a device was down. We have also added a summary of the total downtime for the time range specified on the card. Refer to Downtime.

Site page dashboards

You can now view dashboards within the context of a site, providing improved visibility of important data from the perspective of a single customer or location. After navigating to a site, you can select to view any dashboards you have configured or have access to, including shared dashboards. Refer to Sites and Dashboards.


You can now access and manage reports from the Reports page in the Analytics section of the left-hand navigation menu. Refer to Reports.

Change of Temporary directory

Many partners have reported scenarios in which custom monitors and other Agent operations have been impacted by third-party security software due to the Datto RMM Agent’s utilization of the %TEMP% folder for certain Agent operations.

IMPORTANT  In order to reduce security false positives, improve monitoring and automation reliability, and make our Agent’s allowlisting more comprehensive, as of the 10.3.0 release we will now make use of a temporary directory underneath the Datto RMM Agent’s installation path rather than the %TEMP% folder.
This change affects all supported operating systems (Windows, macOS, and Linux). The new paths are as follows:
Windows: %ProgramData%\CentraStage\Temp, %ProgramData%\CentraStage\AEMAgent\Temp
macOS and Linux: usr/local/share/CentraStage/Temp, usr/local/share/CentraStage/AEMAgent/Temp

Refer to Change of Temporary directory.

Other enhancements to the New UI

We have made a number of usability improvements across the interface including the following:

  • Recent sites and devices. You can now access recent items via a new icon right next to the global Search bar. Right now this supports the most recent site and device pages you have navigated to. Refer to Recently accessed list.
  • Site page updates. We have updated the Site Summary page to provide an improved structure and we continue to add more information. When viewing a site page, the left-hand navigation menu will now display different sections including Devices, Network Discovery, Settings, Dashboards, with more on the way. Refer to Site summary and Sites.
  • Breadcrumbs. We have added breadcrumbs to a number of pages, including site, device, component, job, dashboard, device filters and group pages, providing improved contextual understanding within the interface, and an easier method of navigation. Refer to Breadcrumbs.
  • Patch and operating system visibility improvements. We’ve added a number of columns to the device list, providing additional in-depth information on the OS status for Windows devices and other important patch information. This includes Windows Version, Windows Display Version, Windows Installation Type, Approved Pending Patches, Installed Patches, and Not Approved Patches. Stay tuned for more in this area! Refer to Column Chooser - Devices.
  • Site variable import. You can now import site variables on the Setup > Global Settings page. Refer to Import Site Variables.
  • StdOut/StdErr export. You can now export the StdOut/StdErr from the job results page. Refer to StdOut/StdErr.
  • ConnectWise PSA Integration custom ticket titles. You can now configure custom ticket titles, including support for variables such as [hostname] and [sitename] when setting up monitors. Refer to ConnectWise PSA in the New UI and Integrated ticketing with ConnectWise PSA in the legacy UI.

Other updates

  • Webroot SecureAnywhere Integration improvements in the New UI. We’ve now added the ability to run Webroot-specific tasks on multiple devices simultaneously in the New UI if the product is detected. Refer to Webroot SecureAnywhere in Devices. The Datto RMM Help system has also been updated with best practice deployment and monitoring options using the new integration. Refer to Webroot SecureAnywhere Endpoint Protection.
  • Microsoft Defender Antivirus actions in the New UI. We’ve added the ability to run Defender AV-specific tasks (force update, run quick scan, run full scan) from a device or multiple devices within the New UI. Refer to Windows Defender Antivirus in Device summary or Windows Defender Antivirus in Devices.
  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Monitoring policy. A new best practice policy for monitoring Defender for Endpoint services and key Defender Antivirus operational events is now available for use. Refer to Download a ComStore policy.

Additions to the ComStore

We release new ComStore components and update existing ones every month. Notable additions this month include the following components:

  • Four (4x) new Microsoft 365 components from CyberDrain. These components, fresh from the Netherlands, aim to make your Microsoft 365 experience smoother.
  • Windows 11 Upgrade via ISO. Upgrade a system running Windows 10 build 2004 or higher to Windows 11 or update an existing Windows 11 installation.
  • Log4Shell Enumeration, Mitigation and Attack Detection Tool. This component scans Windows devices for software containing Log4J and alerts if it or signs of an attempted attack leveraging it are discovered. Linux users can use the Fenrir Scan component.
  • Webroot SecureAnywhere Monitor. This new component provides application-specific Webroot monitoring as part of the New UI integration.
  • Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. This new component deploys Defender for Endpoint on Windows endpoints.

NOTE  To access a full list of ComStore components, refer to List of ComStore components.


VIDEO  Datto RMM 10.3.0 Release Overview
Join Community Program Manager Melissa Hockenberry and Senior Product Manager Frederick Bendžius-Drennan as they provide a quick overview of the Datto RMM 10.3.0 release featuring downtime device metrics, breadcrumbs, site page structure updates, recent sites and devices, site page dashboards, widget drillability enhancements, additional Windows status information, reports in the New UI, and additions to the ComStore including Microsoft 365 components.

List of fixes since the last release

New UI

Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where a user could not clear the Hostname filter from within the Activity Log without refreshing the page.
Fix We fixed an issue where removing a file from a component would not commit the removal after saving.
Fix We fixed an issue where sorting by Date created in the Activity Log would not correctly sort the list in ascending order.
Update We moved the Network Discovery card from the Site Summary page to its own location in order to improve UI performance. Refer to Network Discovery.
Fix We fixed an issue where the Patch Now action against a device in the New UI may have run for other devices with a matching Patch Management policy assigned.


Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where the AEMAgent.exe process would begin to consume high CPU resources if the Agent process was manually forcefully terminated.

List of improvements and fixes in this release

New UI

Type Summary
Feature You can now view Downtime on the Metrics card. Refer to Downtime.
Feature You can now add devices to a group from the job results page. Refer to Devices.
Feature You can now export StdOut/StdErr from the job results page. Refer to StdOut/StdErr.
Feature When you drill into a Windows Patch Status, Antivirus Status, or Software Management Status widget, you now view the results as a standard device list, with access to device actions. Refer to Widget Library.

NOTE  This change has been deferred.

Feature You can now access a new Windows Version column from the device list Column Chooser. Refer to Windows Version.
Feature You can now access a new Windows Display Version column from the device list Column Chooser. Refer to Windows Display Version.
Feature You can now access a new Windows Installation Type column from the device list Column Chooser. Refer to Windows Installation Type.
Feature You can now access the following device list columns: Approved Pending Patches, Installed Patches, and Not Approved Patches. Refer to Approved Pending Patches, Installed Patches, and Not Approved Patches.
Feature You can now edit quick jobs and jobs scheduled to run at a specific date and time. Refer to Editing a job in Scheduled jobs and Edit a quick job in Quick jobs.
Feature When viewing a specific type of policy on the Policies page, clicking Create Policy now defaults to the type of policy you were viewing. Refer to Creating a policy.
Feature You can now import site variables via CSV on the Global Settings page. Refer to Import Site Variables.
Feature You can now access actions from the device summary page to update or initiate scans for devices with Microsoft Defender Antivirus installed. Refer to Windows Defender Antivirus in Device summary.
Feature You can now access actions from a device list to update or initiate scans for devices with Microsoft Defender Antivirus installed. Refer to Windows Defender Antivirus in Devices.
Feature We made a number of navigation improvements to the interface, including a new structure for site pages, the ability to view dashboards at the site level, and breadcrumbs on site and device pages. We also moved the recently visited sites and devices to a new icon next to the global Search bar. Refer to Main features in Datto RMM, Dashboards, Dashboards settings, and Site summary.
Fix We made it possible to use the device summary page of a device in the New UI when the device hasn't been audited.
Fix We fixed an issue causing the Save Site button to not work correctly for OnDemand sites in the New UI.

Web Remote

Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where some keys from the numerical keypad were not sent correctly via Web Remote.

Autotask Integration

Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where the manual creation of an Autotask ticket from an alert using the Create Ticket button in Datto RMM would incorrectly set the resulting ticket's category to Standard instead of AEM Alert. Refer to Autotask in the New UI and Integrated ticketing with Autotask in the legacy UI.

ConnectWise PSA Integration

Type Summary
Feature You can now configure custom ticket subject lines when using the ConnectWise PSA Integration. Refer to ConnectWise PSA in the New UI and Integrated ticketing with ConnectWise PSA in the legacy UI.
Fix We fixed an issue with the ConnectWise monitoring alert settings that could prevent a customized subject line from being committed when saved. Refer to ConnectWise PSA in the New UI and Integrated ticketing with ConnectWise PSA in the legacy UI.
Fix We fixed an issue with the Connectwise alert synchronization that could prevent repeating alerts from being associated to a single ticket as per the configured setting.
Fix We fixed an issue with the device mapping section of the ConnectWise PSA Integration that could prevent devices from being displayed in larger accounts.

Datto Continuity Integration

Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue causing offline alerts for Datto Continuity devices to be missing or delayed.
Fix We fixed an issue preventing the removal of a Datto Continuity device from Datto RMM if the corresponding device was no longer present in Datto Partner Portal. Refer to Move or delete Datto Continuity devices.

Webroot Integration

Type Summary
Feature You can now perform Webroot actions from a device list against devices that have Webroot SecureAnywhere installed. Refer to Webroot SecureAnywhere in Devices.

Account management

Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where site variables may not be saved if they were defined during site creation in the New UI.


Type Summary
Fix We moved the location of working directory for operations from %TEMP% to locations that reside in our documented allowlist paths. Refer to Change of Temporary directory.
Fix We improved the file integrity hashes for Agent dependency downloads to minimize the risk of file corruption preventing a successful startup.

Agent communication

Type Summary
Fix We improved the Agent encryption approval process for previously approved devices. Refer to Encryption key approval.
Fix We improved connectivity between the macOS Agent and the Datto RMM platform services.


Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where retrieving a list of devices from the API may include deleted devices from the account.


Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where the New UI cannot accept spaces in string variables of response components.
Fix We fixed an issue that caused components to appear duplicated in the Quick Job pane in the New UI.

Long-term metrics

Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where downtime may not be reported if a device's local time zone is changed.
Fix We fixed an issue where offline metrics could be incomplete for devices that have Sleep functionality enabled. Refer to Downtime.


Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue permitting the Agent to be run in the wrong user context which prevented monitoring from working correctly. Refer to Run a component in the New UI and Run the following component in the legacy UI.
Fix We fixed an issue where monitoring auto-resolution emails would intermittently not be sent.
Fix We fixed an issue with SNMP monitoring that could prevent some rows within a table-based monitor from being visible in Datto RMM.
Fix We fixed an issue where a trailing hyphen would be displayed for any SNMP monitor where a null value was reported.
Fix We fixed an issue in the New UI where real-time values for SNMP monitors were missing their value type (data format).

Network management

Type Summary
Feature You can now show/hide columns when viewing the Network Discovery card. Refer to Network Discovery device list.

Policy management

Type Summary
Fix We fixed an issue where offline alerts that were open before a maintenance window begins may trigger a duplicate alert when the window ends.

Security levels

Type Summary
Feature We added further granularity to the activity logging of site and group edits within security levels. Refer to Activity Log.

Unified Activity Log

Type Summary
Feature You can now download StdOut/StdErr from the Activity Log. Refer to List of activities.
Feature We improved how the Details column is displayed in the Activity Log. When the list of activities is long, the text will now be wrapped. Refer to Activity Log.

ComStore updates

IMPORTANT  This table does not list updates for components that are installed via Software Management.

NOTE  To access a full list of ComStore components, refer to List of ComStore components.

Component Name Platform New/Changed/Deprecated Description
Reboot Device Windows Deprecated Deprecated in favor of Shutdown/Reboot Device which offers several improvements.
Shut-down Device Windows Deprecated
ESET Direct Endpoint Management - Deployment Linux New Vendor submission.
ESET Direct Endpoint Management - Monitors Linux New
ESET Direct Endpoint Management - Tasks Linux New
Fenrir Scan Linux New For Linux users to scan for (amongst other things) Log4j vulnerabilities and attacks.
Get ESXi ServiceTag into UDF Windows New  
Shutdown/Reboot Device Windows New Offers several improvements over previous scripts (native methods, increased timeout, BitLocker suspension, and more).
Software Detection Monitor macOS
New As opposed to policy-based software monitoring, these Windows and macOS scripts support alerting on the presence or absence of software, as opposed to just on installation/removal.
Webroot SecureAnywhere Monitor macOS
New New antivirus monitors to replace the legacy UI's Webroot Integration.
Windows 11: Upgrade via ISO Windows New Please note that at this time only ISO upgrades are possible. Microsoft offer ISO downloads for Windows 11 Pro.
Datto File Protection & Server Monitor Windows Changed New monitors only support the latest versions of Datto File Protection/Workplace with 64-bit support.
Datto Workplace Desktop (Classic) Monitor Windows Changed
Disk Space Monitor All Changed Updated to support Windows 11.
Get Largest Files and Folders on Disk (DattoSize) Windows Changed Bugfix.
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (2015-2022) Windows Changed Updated to install the latest 2015-2022 binary.
Uninstall Windows Update by KB Number for Windows 7 & 8 Windows Changed Description updated to note that the component has only ever supported Windows 7 and 8.

NOTE  Windows as a service handles updates differently; as Datto cannot reliably uninstall updates on those operating systems, we do not list them as supported.

Webroot SecureAnywhere Windows Changed Updated to add support for proxies and groups.
Windows Build Identification Tool Windows Changed Updated to support Windows 11.
M365: Deploy External E-Mail Markers Windows New Refer to the CyberDrain Components tab of the spreadsheet in the following topic: List of ComStore components.
M365: Disable Anonymous Reports Windows New
M365: Disable User Application Consent Windows New
M365: Offboard User Windows New
Monitor SSH Devices Windows New
Enable Bitlocker and Document to UDF Windows Changed
Monitor Office Click2Run Version Windows Changed