Datto RMM trial resources

For those trying out Datto RMM using a 14-day free trial, the following resources are designed to ensure a successful and thorough testing of the software to meet your requirements. Your engagement will also be supported by your account manager, who will provide appropriate resources as necessary.

Before you begin

We suggest deploying Datto RMM within a test environment. Your account manager can cover bulk deployment in more detail if there is a need to do so upon completion of your Success Criteria.

We ask that you define and document your Success Criteria as delineated in this topic. These are the key components of testing that will allow you to determine if Datto RMM is the right solution for you. Consider examining your existing technician workflows to aid in establishing your Success Criteria.

As follows are some suggestions to get you started.

Criteria Description Resource
Device security/patching Check for and install missing critical patches on Windows devices. Use a Windows Update policy to control patching to Datto RMM, and then configure a Patch Management policy for relevant devices.

Patch Management
Disabling Windows updates
Patch Management policy

Ease of deployment Download and install an Agent on a new device. There are various methods available to add devices in Datto RMM, including Network Discovery, Active Directory deployment, and email.

Datto RMM overview
Adding a device
Installing the Datto RMM Agent on servers, desktops, and laptops

Visibility Datto RMM automatically audits devices. View and check audit data against your environment. Check device activity for remote control, jobs, patch installations, and so forth.

Device summary

Device & data organization Configure new sites and custom filters and groups to target devices based on software, hardware, and other device attributes.

Device filters and groups

Software deployment Deploy a component, either from the ComStore or one that you have created using jobs. Use a filter (for example, No Java, Win 7) to target the necessary devices.

Component Library
Download a component
Jobs overview

Software Management policy Configure third-party software application updates and define when those updates should be installed.

Software Management
Software Management policy

Support Initiate a remote takeover session. In addition to using Web Remote/VNC/RDP/Splashtop, use the built-in tools such as command shell, Windows services, and task manager to carry out tasks behind the scenes on remote devices.

Agent Browser
Remote support actions
Agent Browser tools

Web Remote
Monitoring Set up monitors at the global and site level. Target relevant devices using filters and groups. Deploy a component as an auto-response where relevant to auto-resolve alerts.

Monitoring policy
Best practices for Monitoring policies

Reporting Schedule reports summarizing activity, asset information (for example, the Detailed Computer Audit report) and health (for example, the Executive Summary report).

List of reports and exports

User and security Create a new security level and assign it to users.

Security levels
Activity Log

Additional resources

Throughout the evaluation process, we will schedule sessions to see how you are progressing in regard to your Success Criteria and to assist and provide resources as necessary. A final session will be scheduled to review your trial and to agree to next steps.

Finally, don’t forget that you can always utilize the online Kaseya Community for help from Datto experts and fellow users. If you need step-by-step assistance setting up any features, click Show me how… in the upper-right corner of the Datto RMM web interface to be guided through some of the essential features within RMM.