Account Settings - Legacy UI

SECURITY Administrator
SECURITY Some settings are available to users with permission to manage Setup > Account Settings.
NAVIGATION Legacy UI > Setup > Account Settings

For information about managing account settings in the New UI, refer to the following topics:
- My Settings: User details and preferences.
- Global Settings: Datto RMM account access control, Agent settings, email settings and recipients, variables, and user-defined fields.
- Account Settings: Datto RMM account details.
If you are the person who is responsible for implementing Datto RMM in your company, this guide will help you get your Datto RMM account up and running. There are a few fundamental account settings that you need to be aware of in order to get the most out of the functionality Datto RMM offers.
To learn how to set up correct permissions to access Account Settings, refer to Security levels - Legacy UI.
NOTE The settings described below apply to your entire Datto RMM account; however, they may be modified through Site Settings - Legacy UI if applicable.

This section allows you to control access to your Datto RMM account. Turn the options ON or OFF as required or click Edit to update the Restricted IP List.
Field | Definition | R
Enable API Access | Enables access to the Datto RMM API. By default, API access is disabled. Once it is enabled, API keys can be generated on a user-by-user basis. Refer to Edit a user in the legacy UI and Editing a user in the New UI. |
Require New Device Approval | This option is disabled by default. When it is enabled, any new device added to the Datto RMM account will require approval by a user with the Device Approvals permission enabled in their security level before the device can participate in the account activity. Disabling this option will immediately authorize all new devices currently pending approval. For more information, refer to New device approval - Legacy UI in the legacy UI and New Devices in the New UI. |
IP Address Restriction | Restricts access to the web interface to specific IP addresses. This option is disabled by default. Once this option is enabled, your current public IP address will automatically be added to the Restricted IP List. You can add more than one IP address to the list. |
Agent IP Address Restriction | Restricts access to the Agent Browser to specific IP addresses. This option is disabled by default. Once this option is enabled, your current public IP address will automatically be added to the Restricted IP List. You can add more than one IP address to the list. |
Restricted IP List | When you enable the IP Address Restriction or Agent IP Address Restriction options, your current public IP address will automatically be added to the Restricted IP List. Click Edit to update the list. One IPv4 Address may be entered on each line. Access to the web interface and the Agent Browser will be restricted to the IP addresses that appear in this list. An error message will be displayed if an invalid entry has been entered. |
These settings can also be configured in the New UI. Refer to Access Control.

You can specify the cost and power rating of your devices for the entire account. If the fields are left blank, the default wattage (350W) and default cost per kWh will be applied. Click Edit to change the default values.
NOTE The fields accept numeric values only.
Field | Value |
Desktop | Define the power rating of desktops. The numbers set here can be overridden in Site Settings - Legacy UI. |
Server | Define the power rating of servers. The numbers set here can be overridden in Site Settings - Legacy UI. |
Laptop | Define the power rating of laptops. The numbers set here can be overridden in Site Settings - Legacy UI. |
Other | Define the power rating of any other devices. For ESXi hosts, network devices, and printers, this can be overridden in Site Settings - Legacy UI and on the Device summary - Legacy UI page. |
Cost per kWh | Define the cost per kWh. This can be overridden in Site Settings - Legacy UI. |
NOTE With the 11.5.0 release, energy usage calculation based on power rating has been deprecated. Refer to Device Energy Usage deprecation.

Select a user with Administrator permission to be the default assigned resource for tickets. The resource set here can be overridden by a resource set at the site level. Refer to Site Settings - Legacy UI.
IMPORTANT If No default user is selected, tickets will be assigned to the user who registered the account.

You can specify variables that can be used when writing custom components. The variables can be defined with a specific value that the Agent will use when executing the script. How you refer to the variables in your script will be defined by the scripting language you apply (for example, in batch scripts, you can refer to a variable in the format of %VariableName%).
NOTE Account variables used in components will be passed to jobs and monitors but will be overridden by site variables of the same name. You can specify site variables on the Site Settings page. Refer to Variables in the legacy UI and Variables in the New UI. You can also update multiple sites' variables in bulk using a CSV template. Refer to the Update Site Variables section of Account Settings - Legacy UI in the legacy UI or the Import Site Variables section of Global Settings in the New UI.
- Click Add Variable.
- Enter a Variable Name. Make sure there is no space in the name of the variable.
- Specify the Variable Value. Variable value limit: 20,000 characters.
- Check Mask my inputs if you would like to hide the value of the variable.
- Click Add.
- Repeat steps 1-5 to add more variables.
IMPORTANT When extended logging is activated for log components, masked variables will be visible in clear text in the log file. Refer to Adding extended logging to Datto RMM.

This section allows you to rename the default label of 30 user-defined fields (UDFs). The UDFs can be populated with information that is not picked up in the device audit to provide additional targeting for jobs and policies. You can enter and edit UDF information manually on the Device summary - Legacy UI page in the legacy UI and the Device summary page in the New UI, or it can be populated by the Datto RMM Agent. For further information, refer to User-defined fields - Legacy UI.
NOTE The UDF labels defined here can be overridden at site level in the legacy UI. Refer to Site Settings - Legacy UI.
To rename the default UDF labels, follow these steps:
- Hover over one of the rows and click the pencil icon.
- Rename the Account Label field.
NOTE UDF labels have a limit of 22 characters.
NOTE UDFs have a limit of 255 characters.
- Click the green check mark
to save the changes.
These settings can also be configured in the New UI. Refer to User-Defined Fields.

This section allows you to define how Agents communicate with the platform and perform network scans.
Field | Definition |
Use alternative settings for Agent | Select this check box to be able to configure the settings listed below. |
Control Channel Address | By default, this field should be left blank. In case a specific control channel address is needed for your account, contact your Datto RMM implementation manager. |
Control Channel Port | By default, this field should be left blank. In case a specific control channel port is needed for your account, contact your Datto RMM implementation manager. The port can be configured between 1 and 65,534. |
Web Service Address | By default, this field should be left blank. In case a specific web service address is needed for your account, contact your Datto RMM implementation manager. |
Tunnel Server Address | A tunnel server acts as an interface between devices for remote takeover sessions. Specify an IP or domain and a port to be used for the relayed connection by default. The IP or domain should be separated from the port by a colon (for example: For more information about the tunnel server grid, refer to Connecting Agents through the tunnel server grid. |
Network Subnet Limit |
Limits the size of the scan an Agent performs in a single subnet. By default, the limit is set to 65,534, which is also the maximum number of IP addresses that an Agent is able to scan in a subnet. To disable network scanning for the entire account, set the value to 0. NOTE It is not possible to disable network scanning at the site level. For further information about network scanning, refer to Network discovery - Legacy UI in the legacy UI and Network Discovery in the New UI. |
Network Scan Limit | The limit of devices that an Agent can scan on the subnet of the device. By default it is set to 1,024. Minimum value: 0; maximum value: 2,048. For further information about network discovery, refer to Network discovery - Legacy UI in the legacy UI and Network Discovery in the New UI. |
These settings can also be configured in the New UI. Refer to Custom Agent Settings.

To be able to deploy an Agent across a LAN, you will need to have a username and a password for the devices you want to install the Agent on. You can save these credentials so that you don't have to enter them when adding new devices. At the time of initiating Agent deployment, you will be prompted to select a set of credentials. Refer to LAN deployment from the web interface.
NOTE You can add Agent deployment credentials at site level as well. They will be used in addition to those specified here. For further information, refer to Site Settings - Legacy UI.
- Click Edit.
- In the Username field, enter the domain (if in use) and the username in the following format: Domain\Username.
- Enter the Password.
- To add further usernames and passwords, click Add Agent Deployment credentials and repeat steps 2-3.
- Click Save.
To learn how to save Windows and SSH credentials in the New UI, refer to Windows credentials and SSH credentials.

If you would like to manage SNMP-enabled devices in Datto RMM, you can save their credentials so that you don't have to enter them when adding new devices. Cached SNMP credentials are also used during network discovery. For more information, refer to Managing and monitoring SNMP-enabled network devices and printers - Legacy UI and Network scan process in the legacy UI or Managing and monitoring SNMP-enabled network devices and printers in the New UI.
NOTE You can add SNMP credentials at the site level as well. They will be used in addition to those specified here. For further information, refer to Site Settings - Legacy UI.
- Click Edit to be able to add SNMP credentials.
- Choose the correct Version: v1, v2c, or v3.
- Fill in the details:
NOTE SNMP v1 and v2c only need a name and a community string; however, SNMP v3 requires more complex security. If you are not sure which settings to configure in Datto RMM to be able to connect to your network device over SNMP, refer to the SNMP device's documentation or provider for more details.
v1 and v2c
Field | Description |
Name | Enter the name of your device. |
Community | The community string works as a password. If the field is left blank, the default read-only community string "public" is applied. If your device has a customized community string, enter it here. |
Field | Description |
Name | Enter the name of your device. |
V3 User | Enter a v3 username. |
Authentication | Select an authentication protocol: • None • MD5 • SHA1 |
V3 Password | Enter a v3 password. |
Encryption | Select an encryption standard: • None • DES • AES128 |
V3 Encryption Key | Enter a v3 encryption key. |
Context | Enter the SNMP context ID to be able to access the correct device information. NOTE An SNMP context is a collection of management information, identified by a Context ID and a Context Name. (Source: The Internet Engineering Task Force) |
- To add more credentials, click Add SNMP Credentials and repeat steps 2-3.
- Click Save.
To learn how to save SNMP credentials in the New UI, refer to SNMP credentials.

If you would like to manage ESXi devices in Datto RMM, you can save their credentials so that you don't have to enter them when adding new devices. Cached ESXi credentials are also used during network discovery. For information about how to add ESXi devices, refer to Managing and monitoring ESXi devices - Legacy UI in the legacy UI or Managing and monitoring ESXi devices in the New UI.
NOTE You can add ESXi Credentials at site level as well. They will be used in addition to those specified here. For further information, refer to Site Settings - Legacy UI.
- Click Edit to be able to add ESXi credentials.
- Fill in the following details:
Field | Description |
Name | Enter the name of your device. |
CIM Port | Enter the CIM port number. By default, it is set to 5989. The maximum value is 65,534. |
vSphere Username | Enter your vSphere username. |
vSphere Port | Enter the vSphere port number. By default, it is set to 443. The maximum value is 65,534. |
vSphere Password | Enter your vSphere password. |
- To add more credentials, click Add ESXi Credentials and repeat step 2.
- Click Save.
To learn how to save ESXi credentials in the New UI, refer to ESXi credentials.

This setting only affects Windows devices.
When Allow VNC is set to ON, the VNC service will automatically be downloaded and installed as part of the Datto RMM Agent. Refer to VNC in Infrastructure and security.
When Allow VNC is set to OFF, the Datto RMM Agent will remove existing VNC services implemented by Datto RMM and associated files from all devices, and it will not download and install the VNC service on newly added devices. In addition, the Agent Browser VNC tool and Web Remote fallback to VNC on Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2 will not be available. Refer to VNC and Guest GPU Acceleration.
You can also enable or disable VNC in the New UI. Refer to VNC Integration.
NOTE If the Datto RMM Agent is uninstalled from a device, the Datto RMM implementation of VNC will also be removed from that device. However, other implementations of VNC will not be affected.

This section allows you to specify a From Name and a Reply-To Address for email notifications sent by your Datto RMM account. These will be used in the From and To fields for response emails only.
- Click Edit.
- In the From Name field, enter a name to be used in the From field of emails (for example: IT Support).
This field has a limit of 255 characters. - In the Reply-To Address, enter an email address to which you want your recipients to reply.
NOTE The email field accepts the following characters:
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, and !#$%&'`*+-|/=?^_{}~.
- Click Save.
NOTE The Email Settings section can be saved if both fields contain values, if both fields are empty, or if the Reply-To Address field contains a valid email address and the From Name field is empty.
The Email Settings section cannot be saved if the From Name field contains a value and the Reply-To Address field is empty.
These settings can also be configured in the New UI. Refer to Email Settings.

This section allows you to specify one or more email recipients and define what type of email notifications they should receive.
NOTE The user who registered the account is added as an email recipient by default, and all notification types are selected for this user.
NOTE Email recipients of a particular site can be specified in the Email Recipients section in Creating or editing a site (New UI), the Email Recipients section in Site Settings (New UI), or the Email Recipients section in Site Settings - Legacy UI (legacy UI).
- Click Add Email Recipient.
- Fill in the required fields:
Field Description Name Enter the recipient's name. Address Enter the recipient's email address. NOTE The email field accepts the following characters:
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, and !#$%&'`*+-|/=?^_{}~.Type Select the preferred email format for this recipient: Both, HTML, or Text. Receives Select any of the notification types this recipient should receive: Alerts, ComStore Components, New Devices, or Reports. NOTE Selecting ComStore Components will opt you in to a Component Update Digest email notification. Refer to Check for updates.
- Click Add.
To delete an email recipient, click the Delete this recipient icon at the end of the row.
These settings can also be configured in the New UI. Refer to Email Recipients.

You can update one or more of your Managed sites' existing variables or add new variables by uploading a CSV file. In order for the update to be successful, the variable name, and variable value fields are mandatory to fill in.
NOTE Sites with OnDemand devices cannot be updated with variables.
- Click Download Template.
- Open the CSV file you downloaded, and add the following information:
Field | Description |
Site ID | The Site ID (site identifier) is hard-coded and cannot be changed or updated. |
Site Name | The name of your site. The name cannot be updated through the CSV file; however, it can be changed in Site Settings - Legacy UI in the legacy UI and in Site Settings in the New UI. |
Site Description | The description of your site. The description cannot be updated through the CSV file; however, it can be changed in Site Settings - Legacy UI in the legacy UI and in Site Settings in the New UI. |
Variable Name | Enter the name of the variable. It can be a new variable or an already existing one. NOTE This field is mandatory. |
Variable Value | Enter the value of the variable. It can be a new value or an already existing one. Variable value limit: 20,000 characters. NOTE This field is mandatory. |
Variable is Hidden | If you would like to mask the variable value, enter 1. If you would not like to mask the variable value, enter 0. NOTE When adding a new variable and leaving this field blank, the variable value will not be masked. |
- Save the file in CSV format.
- Click Choose file, and select the file you have just saved.
- Click Save. The following message will appear in a yellow info bar at the top of the page: Site variables imported successfully.
The variables will appear in the Variables section in Site Settings - Legacy UI in the legacy UI and in the Variables section in Site Settings in the New UI.

IMPORTANT The Mobile Device Management (MDM) feature is no longer available. For more information, refer to this Kaseya Community post.

If you have changed the column display at various places in your Datto RMM account, this option will allow you to restore the default column display for your entire account.
- Click Restore Defaults.
- Confirm your request by clicking OK in the pop-up window.
NOTE Restoring the default column display will apply to your user account only. It will not change other users' settings. Other users will need to restore the default column display for their own user account in Setup > Account Settings or on individual pages where they had previously changed the column display.